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La Milanesa and FareXBene in high schools!

Today I don't want to start by talking to you about my emotions but rather from what I didn't expect. I didn't expect the boys' hugs at the end of the meeting, I didn't expect to find such a profound and beautiful youth, I didn't expect my tears and theirs, in short, I didn't expect to feel at home.

Today started my first meeting in high schools to raise awareness of violence in general with the Association fare per Bene and Valentina Pitzalis.

I confess that it was very exciting and above all my expectations. I struggled a lot to hold back that lump in my throat as I listened to Valentina's detailed story and her story, but one sentence struck me even more than all the others: "if only with my testimony, I can help someone not to go through the hell that I went through, my suffering will not have been in vain..” and I think there is nothing more to add than a lot of admiration and respect.

However, after today's meeting, I can say that if these are our young people, the future will certainly be better!

Thanks again to all of you