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La coperta dell’ascolto

The blanket of listening

"La Coperta dell'Ascolto" is a project born with the aim of putting elderly people of different ages in contact with second-grade students, to promote a relationship of mutual listening.
This type of approach has brought great benefits, developing strong skills in fine manual skills, but also the human relationship between students and grandparents.
Furthermore, it was very interesting to observe how opposition students found themselves at ease enough to involve us in their private school lives. One of the important moments to remember was when the kids made little chains and then joined and created a blanket to jump on together. In conclusion, the proposed activity has helped to increase a strong sensitivity towards all that is defined as sexist barriers.
I was lucky and honored to be able to contribute and be invited to the presentation of this project because thanks to all their work we were able to finance scholarships dedicated to these young people. The proceeds from the purchase of the Coperta dell'Ascolto will instead be donated to the Verbania Women's Prison.
I met Caterina Fazzari, president of Un Filo Per Natale and from there I was "kidnapped" by her sweetness and by her and her "women's" big heart. This will be just the first of a series of great projects because being able to give something to those who aren't as lucky as us warms the heart!!!!
Thanks to Caterina, to the grandparents, to the principal, to all the boys and to the organizers for this beautiful life lesson.